Museum Has A New Owner
As of March 1st, the McNeill Street Pumping Station site, home of the Shreveport Water Works Museum, once again became city property when the state returned it to the city. The city and the Preservation Society were ready with a new partnering agreement, and the SWWM never closed and has no plans to close even temporarily. The deal with the city provides that they will own and maintain the site (and do things like yard service) and the McNeill Preservation Society will operate the museum. Financially this means that the Preservation Society is responsible for the employee(s), utilities, and miscellaneous other expenses associated with operating a museum, which will cost somewhere between $25,000 and $35,000 per year as a best guess right now. We believe this is manageable, but it will challenge the Preservation Society to bring in more money than ever before on an annual basis. Donations from supporters of the museum will continue to be the main source of that money. The museum’s Board of Directors has its collective thinking cap on looking for ideas, but in the meantime, come out and enjoy the Shreveport Water Works Museum. Admission is still free and Kevin is a great tour guide!