You’ll Look Good In This!

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Gorilla Design Studio is a local graphic arts company that has created an online market called Parish Square to produce and curate unique designs available for sale in the marketplace. The marketplace offers professionally designed t-shirts that highlight local and regional identities around the Shreveport-Bossier area. The Gorilla team consists of locals who want to build up the identity of popular places of interest, nonprofit organizations, museums, and other highlights in the area.
So, at no cost to the Preservation Society, they have designed and offered for sale on Parish Square ( a snazzy-looking t-shirt for the Shreveport Water Works Museum. The shirts are available online only through the web site. The shirts cost $20 each plus shipping, and Parish Square donates $10 to the Preservation Society for each shirt sold.
Thank you to Gorilla Design Studio for your generous support of the museum!

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